Transitioning Out of Military? Here’s a throwback from

Transitioning Out of Military? Here’s a throwback from Korea and Vietnam


Short Timers FIGMO calendar USBA

Are you a short-timer about to transition out of the military? Here’s a throwback from Korea and Vietnam days.

Soldiers fighting in Korea and Vietnam had their favorite versions of something called a short-timer’s calendar where they recorded the days left until they rotated home. Also referred to as a “FIGMO chart,” the FIGMO acronym had two translations: “Finally, I got my orders” and one that’s too colorful to include here.

As with today’s deployed troops, nothing was more important to these soldiers than the date they returned to the United States and their families. Most of them proudly displayed their calendars near their bunks. The ones you see here are relatively conservative as most FIGMO charts tended to be a bit racy.

If you’re a short-timer with your transition date in sight, now’s the time to start planning how to replace your SGLI. Your SGLI ends 120 days after your active duty ends and you don’t want to have a gap in your life insurance protection. One option is to get affordable USBA coverage now as a supplement to your SGLI, then keep it after you transition out. Learn more about USBA coverage and get a free quote.

Uniformed Services Benefit Association® (USBA®) is a nonprofit Association that provides group life insurance, health insurance supplements, and other products and services to military personnel, Federal employees, National Guard and Reserve members, Veterans and their families.

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