Protect Yourself On or Off the Job with Group Comprehensive

Protect Yourself On or Off the Job with Group Comprehensive Accident Insurance


USBA Group Comprehensive Accident Insurance - two men look at tablet

Accidents happen – it’s a fact of life. Worker’s Compensation through your employer likely has you covered if you’re hurt on the job. But what happens if you break a leg mountain biking? Or slip on the ice shoveling the snow in your driveway?

USBA Group Comprehensive Accident Insurance makes sure you’re covered if an unexpected misfortune means you’re out of work, have big bills to pay or the unthinkable happens. USBA Members and eligible spouses can purchase three accident coverages under one policy to help provide protection from the financial hardships a covered accident may cause.

What does the 3-in-1 Accident Policy Include?

  • $100,000 Accidental Death Benefit
  • $1,000/month Accident Disability Income Benefit for up to 12 months, after a 30-day waiting period
  • $100/day Accident Hospital Indemnity Benefit for up to 500 days, no waiting period

Why choose the USBA Group Comprehensive Accident Insurance?

  • Acceptance is Guaranteed for eligible USBA Members and their spouses
  • Members aged 18-59 are eligible
  • Pays a cash benefit directly to the insured for injuries
  • 30-Day Free Look
  • Premium (per individual): $34.00/mo

If you’re ready to protect yourself and your family from whatever life throws at you, apply online or complete a brief application form, including signature, date, and payment. After submitting the application, you’ll receive your Certificate in the mail with full details about the policy. You have a full 30 days to review it carefully. If you are not completely satisfied, you can request a full refund, without claim, within 30 days—no questions asked.

1Eligible USBA Members and their spouses ages 18-59 who are working full time (at least 20 hours per week) and not on active duty.

2Benefit is paid for injuries sustained from a covered accident. This coverage does not provide coverage for sickness.

Uniformed Services Benefit Association (USBA) is a not-for-profit Association that provides group life insurance, health insurance supplements, and other products and services to military personnel, Federal employees, National Guard and Reserve members, Veterans and their families.

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